1. NCSRP Executive Board will review overall program impact and success and establish specific research priorities of regional importance on a five-year cycle (e.g. key diseases, insects, production practices, etc.).
About ITsavvy Our Guiding Principles Careers Open Positions Employee Appreciation Benefits Our Guiding Principles Download Corporate Brochure ITsavvy believes in shaking up the IT industry, but every revolution needs a manifesto. Our 12 Guiding Principles are designed to give all of us the freedom to challenge our own expectations within a professional framework. Practices can change, business models are disrupted, technology evolves, but principles do not change. They are the soul of strategy design and delivery. These principles are for us both a moral rule and a basic truth. They were developed by a group of experts, practitioners, and researchers, supported by the Brightline team.
2. NSCRP funded programs and projects will not be redundant with current state (QSSB) or nationally (USB) funded programs but may complement and extend state or nationally funded projects when addressing the common interests and needs of North Central region soybean growers.
- NCSRP will maintain communication and collaborative connectivity with QSSBs and the USB to maintain awareness of state and national soybean research priorities and funding.
- Regional researchers submitting proposals for NCSRP funding must provide clear statements of research being funded by a QSSB or the USB.
3. A multi-year research project or program proposals will be accepted for funding consideration, but annual renewal will be predicated on the successful generation and communication of meaningful annual results.
4. NCSRP emphasizes the collection, compilation, and dissemination of research results through appropriate peer-reviewed scientific abstracts and journals, extension publications, farmer-focused bulletins, appropriate websites (Soybean Research & Information Network), and databases (National Soybean Checkoff Research Database).
Collaborative Soybean Research Objectives and Priorities:
1. Soybean yield and quality enhancement through genetic improvement and biotic and abiotic stress mitigation for soybean maturity groups 0-IV.
- Classical and molecular soybean breeding efforts that will enhance yield potential and yield stability clearly focused to the North Central region.
- Research that addresses the control of insects and diseases (defensive traits) with consistent or potentially significant economic impacts across the North Central region.
- Research that addresses weed resistance to herbicides for species of common occurrence and threat across the North Central region.
- Research that addresses soybean response to water, nutrients, soil and environmental conditions unique to the North Central region.
2. Soybean production practices that will increase yield, profitability and environmental stewardship issues specific to the North Central region.
- Soybean–corn rotations
- Plant populations, row spacing, and input management
- Water quality and watershed planning
- Cover crops and other conservation agronomy
- Soybean production sustainability and life cycle assessment and life cycle assessment.
I live by a set of Guiding Principles that have attributed to an enjoyable life that I would consider successful. They are simple and to the point but can have a huge impact on your career and personal life. I’d love to share them with you today.
12 Guiding Principles for a Successful Life
Attitude: Life is 90% attitude. It’s not what happens to you that is important; what matters is how you choose to respond.
Barriers: Barriers are only challenges—temporary roadblocks. They are tests of how true you are to your dreams. It’s life’s way of asking you, “How badly do you really want this?” You can pick up your marbles and go home or work around the roadblock.
Careers: Realize a career lies within a person, not within a company!
Change: It is no mere accident of fate that determines who will thrive on change. It is a process that is totally within your control
Comfort Zones: Get out of your comfort zone! Shake yourself up every once in awhile. Do something that truly challenges you. Purposely stretch and see what you are capable of accomplishing.
Goals: You are never too old to set goals and have dreams. You may be aging every year chronologically, but you don’t ever have to grow up in terms of feeling that you can’t change your mind or your course in life. You always have the opportunity to expand your horizons.
Lifelong Learning: With all the changes taking place today, we have to be lifelong students. Don’t ever lose the desire to learn and grow.
Possibilities: Look at life and work with a question mark, not a period. A period means stop; the end; there is no better way. But a question mark says there are possibilities and better ways of doing things. Look for new doors to open and find opportunities to problems.
Professionalism: Calling yourself a professional doesn’t automatically make it so. Being professional is a combination of many things: attitude, behavior, response to people and situations, appearance, ethics, skills, and more.
Responsibility: It’s your life. Quit waiting around for everyone else to take care of you. When life throws you a curve, don’t blame others or the system. Think of creative ways to deal with the curves, the changes, the twists and turns.
Self-management: Our thoughts are what get us into trouble. If you change your thoughts through self-management, you will change your response.
Uniqueness: Stand out and shine. Be different from the rest and don’t be ashamed that you are!
What principles do you live by? What are the beliefs that guide you each and every day? Our internal beliefs and values are the foundation of our life. Share your guiding principles by commenting on our blog for a chance to win access to the Mastering Exceptional Self Leadership Online Learning.
Share your guiding principles by commenting below for a chance to win access to the Mastering Exceptional Self Leadership online learning program.
Have a great week!
Guiding Principles Of Successful Websites Example
Guiding Principles Of Successful Websites K-12
P.S. Did you miss our free webinar with TRAVO about their free travel planning solution? Check it out here.
- Admin Assistant Training, Attitude, Career Management, Motivators, Self Development, Workplace Tools