Thanksgiving Challengemr. Mac's 6th Grade

Favorite Thanksgiving Art Activities, Grades K-6 Use these Thanksgiving activities & crafts to allow students to demonstrate their artistic talents while reviewing the meaning of the wonderful American holiday. The First Thanksgiving Teaching Guide: Grades 6–8. Through these lesson plans and The First Thanksgiving online activity, students will explore the relationship between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag, including their experiences, actions, and decisions relating to the settlement of Plimoth colony. 224-25 (#1-9 all) Science: Gravity and motion worksheet; test tomorrow. Literature: Read Ch. 10 until Friday; Abstract poem. History: Stock Market Game (SMG) worksheet & vocabulary due tomorrow; read Ch. 8, Section 2, define Terms & Names, and write out 3 notes per red subheading in notebooks – due next Tuesday. Quia Web allows users to create and share online educational activities in dozens of subjects, including Social Studies.

  1. Thanksgiving Challengemr. Mac's 6th Grade Worksheets
  2. Thanksgiving Challengemr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts

1-2-3 Come Do Some Fun November Math Activities and Games With Me

This whopping 70-page 'print & go' packet has a lot of quick, easy and fun math activities, covering a variety of Common Core standards.

The activities are pretty versatile, so you can differentiate, making the lesson easier or more difficult to fit your needs and grade level. (PK-1st)

Thanksgiving challengemr. mac

For example, here's a sample of all of the options you have for the 'Hats Off' worksheet.

Because students get to play a game using dice or one of the spinners, they really enjoy the math practice.

I think you'll also like the 'Show Me the Number' worksheets.

I have one for numbers 1-10, 1-20, and 1-30.

Simply run off an entire week or month's worth and pick a different number each day.

Because you've already explained it once, there's no need for continuous directions and your kiddos can get right down to business.

Use the packet throughout the month for early finishers, extra help for strugglers, brain breaks, centers, review, table top lessons, assessments, homework, 'just for fun' plug-ins, when you have a few spare minutes, or tuck a few in your sub folder.

If you're required to send something home over your school breaks, pick and choose what's appropriate and put together a Happy Thanksgiving packet.

There are worksheets, as well as dice, spinner and paper-pencil games for the following:

Thanksgiving Challengemr. Mac's 6th Grade Worksheets

  • Counting
  • Sequencing
  • Ordinal numbers
  • Counting to 100 and 120
  • 100 chart activities and games
  • Skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's
  • Sorting odd and even numbers
  • 'What's Missing?' worksheets
  • 'I Spy a Number' worksheet-games, for numbers 0-10 and 10-20, with a blank worksheet to program with higher numbers
  • Telling digital & analog time to the hour with this cute little 'Turkey Time' Itty Bitty booklet. Great as an assessment tool too.
  • 10 frame activities
  • Fill in the missing ad ends
  • Addition worksheets and games
  • Subtraction worksheets and games
  • Tally marks
  • Greater than, less than, and equal to
  • +1 more worksheets
  • +10 more worksheets
  • Dots and Boxes game

As you can see, I did a ton of work, so that you don't have to! Click on the link to grab your copy of the Common Core Thanksgiving Math Packet, and let the educational fun begin! Would love your feed back, as I'm thinking of making one of these packets for winter. or you can leave a comment below.

Well that's it for today. Thanks for visiting. It's time for a much-needed break. I'll be braving this snowy day (Yes here in Michigan we are already blanketed in white.) My daughter is treating me to a pedicure, so I'm off to go pamper myself. Wishing you a relaxing day!

Thanksgiving Challengemr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts

'Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~William Arthur Ward