Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual

  1. Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual Pdf
  2. Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual Download
  3. Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual User
  4. Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manuals
  1. Mac Tools since 1938. Mac Tools was founded in the USA in 1938 with the goal of manufacturing the finest tools in the world. This same spirit has made Mac Tools a world leader in the automotive tool and equipment business today. Since it’s formation, anyone involved with Mac Tools will know that it is much more than a brand, it’s a way of life.
  2. INTRODUCTION The Mac Tools™ MDT 10 is a professional scan tool built into a durable AndroidTM tablet. Up to four hours of battery run time. Extremely fast boot time and Swift On function. Wi-Fi and web browser allow full internet access. Page 4: Safety Definitions.
  3. Here is a walk-through of how to update your ET-97.

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Update Instructions

Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual Pdf

The Mac Tools Scanning Suite software is used to update the scan tool.

It also contains the software necessary to print data stored in the tool.

MAC Tools OTC Diagnostic System Scan Tool Enhanced Monitor 4000 OBD II + Manuals. MAC TOOLS 'GLOBAL OBD II SCAN TOOL' Set #ET9620-A '2003 Version' C $254.31.


Download and install Scanning Suite

Mac tools et9620a scanner user manual download

1. Click Mac Tools Scanning Suite 4.3 link and save the file to your PC.

2. After the file is downloaded, double click the icon to begin the installation.

ManualMac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual

3. Complete the installation as prompted.

Prepare the Scan Tool

4. Plug your tools into the USB port on your PC via the USB cable.

Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual Download

5. Arrow down to the System Setup and press ENTER, then arrow down to the Program Mode and press ENTER.

Update Scan Tool

6. Open Scanning Suite on the PC by double clicking the Mac LaunchPad icon on your desktop or find it in the Start/Programs/Scanning Suite/Mac/LaunchPad

7. Click the Tool Update Button

Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manual User

8. The ScanLoader application will open. Click Next to continue and follow the instructions as prompted on the screen.

Mac Tools Et9620a Scanner User Manuals

9. The update will complete and the tool will display Success. You may now disconnect the tool and close the Scanning Suite application.